
Accessibility Plan and Progress Report

The intent of the Accessibility Plan is to outline how NFBC will identify, remove and prevent barriers for Persons with Disabilities and meet relevant requirements of Accessible Canada Act (ACA).

NBFC will publish a Progress Report which summarizes progress made during the respective reporting period.


Accessibility Plan




We believe collaboration results in better outcomes and clear, consistent, transparent communication is essential to continue to strengthen NFBC’s inclusive culture. Your feedback and input on this Plan is welcome as we work towards a barrier- free Canada by 2040. If you have feedback, please reach out to our Accessibility Office at:





716-285-6322 or 905-354-5641

Extention: 4157



Niagara Falls Bridge Commission

ATT: Office of Accessibility

P.O. Box 395

Niagara Falls, ON

L2E 6T8



Complete Online Feedback Form


Anonymous Feedback:

If you would like to provide anonymous feedback, you may dial 716-285-6322 or 905-354-5641 x 4157 and leave a message. Our Office of Accessibility will review these messages/forms weekly. Voice messages will be transcribed and saved electronically.


Alternative Formats:

If you require alternative formats (e.g. large print, braille), please reach out to our Accessibility Office using any of the contacts identified above.

5365 Military Rd
Lewiston, NY 14092



The Niagara Falls Bridge Commission

Niagara Falls' reputation as a natural world wonder and honeymoon capital of the planet beckons visitors from around the globe. 

But it is the bridges that actually bring most of them here. 

No other single factor contributes more to tourism growth - indeed the export trade economy overall - than the NFBC's three monumental linkages of concrete and steel. Niagara Falls crossings rank second only to Kennedy International as the busiest port of entry between the U.S. and Canada. If you are about to travel over Niagara's gorge, your vehicle will take one of about 7.2 million passages expected this year on NFBC bridges.

Contact Us: Land Lines


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